By Ruben Lovenweent, university of Ghent.

Master’s Dissertation submitted to obtain the degree of: Master of Science in Business Engineering

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Ruben worked on the case of a recruitment company that considered using data-driven approaches to more productively match employers with candidates for temporary jobs.

Data driven recruitment design

Data driven recruitment design

Ruben developed a Business Model plan, consisting of multiple phases, in VDMbee Strategyplanner, to demonstrate the impact and implications of deployment of new approaches. The return on the investment in these technologies was demonstrated as well.
The project also served as proof case, to test the new significant extension of Strategyplanner, with a broader set of integrated possibilities in the “Discover” area of Continuous Business Model Planning (CBMP), and he did that at the time VDMbee was still hardening its release !
Strategyplanner stood the test vert well, any issues that Ruben detected could be fixed promptly, and the end result, created in a reasonable amount of time, really helped the business to validate the impact of their ideas.

Well done Ruben and congratulations with reaching this milestone!

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