VDMbee provides unique insights by making scenarios of your business initiatives, so that you can make data-driven choices to reach your objectives.

Our deep experience in developing complex IT solutions for many Industries globally, provides us with insights into how to crack the complex puzzle of enterprise collaboration structures, value delivery models, process model abstractions, etc. This domain is also known as Business Enterprise Engineering.

We have combined all these aspects in a groundbreaking computer model that we standardized within the Object Management Group and which is called the Value Delivery Model Language (VDML).

VDMbee Report ™
VDMbee Activity ™

We productized our knowledge and delivered our VDMbee Strategyplanner and our VDMbee Continuous Business Model Planning (CBMP) approach.

VDMbee stands for “Value Delivery Modeling by Business Enterprise Engineering”.

We use the “bee” as a metaphor about how we contribute to your Business.

The To Bee story

Bees are essential pollinators that play a crucial role in the growth and productivity of fruit trees and other crops. While bees may not be part of an organization itself, the community-oriented behavior of bees can be used as a metaphor for how a visual strategy simulation service can help organizations.

Just as bees work together to pollinate flowers and enhance the growth and productivity of fruit trees, a visual strategy simulation service can help organizations bring together their resources and stakeholders to optimize their business model and accelerate their growth. The service enables organizations to collaborate and work towards a shared vision, just like bees in a hive.

Moreover, the service provides a risk-free environment for organizations to simulate different scenarios and test various strategies. This process is similar to how bees use trial-and-error to optimize their pollination behavior and adapt to changes in their environment.

Like bees that communicate through feedback loops to optimize their behavior, the visual strategy simulation service provides real-time feedback to organizations. This feedback helps organizations adjust their strategies and fine-tune their operations to achieve their desired outcomes.


Henk de Man
email id: hdman@vdmbee.com

Henk has 30 years of experience in IT and business concepts. He has a successful track record of commercializing research insights to launch world-class Enterprise Application Software products, in the areas of ERP, Lean Enterprise and BPM. In his current position as value architect and co-founder of VDMbee, he helps companies to make scenarios of their business initiatives. He also coaches and trains business model planning and simulation at universities around the world. Over the years, Henk served as co-author and implementer of business modeling standards in the Object Management Group, in particular Value Delivery Modeling Language (VDML), Structured Metrics Metamodel (SMM) and Case Management Model an Notation (CMMN).

Mudigonda Rajender
email id: mrajender@vdmbee.com

Rajender has over 25 years of rich experience in innovating and building enterprise applications. In his current positions as Director Product Development and Product Architect at VDMbee, he is responsible for architecture and development of Strategyplanner , based on the VDML specification of the Object Management Group, which was also co-authored by Rajender. He also played a crucial role in architecting and building the Benchmarking Management System and Analytics engine for Visionplanner (Visma). Prior to this Rajender worked for OpenText , Cordys, Oracle Corporation and Baan(Infor) as architect and was responsible for research in key areas and development of various products.

Theodoor van Donge
email id: tvdonge@vdmbee.com

As Chief Technology and Innovation Officer, responsible for defining, directing, and promoting Baan ERP, Cordys BOP, VDMbee Strategyplanner , and Visionplanner/Visma’ technology vision. Dating back to the early 80’s, Theodoor has an exceptional track record (spanning more than 35 years) of leadership and innovation in the IT industry. Theodoor is recognized for pioneering core ERP technologies. His expertise ranges from traditional ERP systems to object-oriented frameworks and the latest Internet-related Cloud, (Micro) Service Oriented Architectures, BPM, Case Management, Enterprise Design, Mobile and Web technologies.

Schietboom 2
3905 TD Veenendaal
The Netherlands

Gutenberg IT Park
Kalajyothi Road, Kondapur
Hyderabad – 500084