A Thesis by

Jan van de Pol
Wageningen, The Netherlands
Aug, 2019

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This thesis aims to show how a software tool for supporting the auditing of pig farmers on a continuous basis, called a dashboard for proactive auditing, creates value for quality auditors and other stakeholders in the pork value chain. The thesis evaluates a prototype dashboard developed for auditors in a case study performed at the Dutch KDV pork chain. The evaluation involves comparing the auditing process with and without using the dashboard. To do so, business models were created using Strategyplanner of VDMbee, a relatively new but highly advanced and complex tool for modelling business models.

Pork value chain
Pork value chain, the value of transparency

The comparison showed that the dashboard decreases preparation time for the auditing company, while increasing the revenues for the slaughterhouse and the farmers. Another effect of the dashboard can be a reduction of emissions and animal loss if the dashboard is used to intervene timelier at farms where these numbers are too high. Since the model generated by the tool was based on simplified data, the scale of the changes in values created are not precise and conclusive, leaving open an opportunity for future research. However, the results show that as compared to business models created using the Osterwalder business model canvas, Jan was able to produce a more precise and quantifiable business models using the tool.

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