by Yeganeh Rashed

Master’s Dissertation: Auswirkung von Quality Function Deployment (QFD)-Software-Tool auf einen bestimmten Prozess in Unternehmen X aus Blickwinkeln der Modellierungstechnik eEPK und VMP

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Hans-Knud Arndt
Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Klaus Turowski
Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg


People, especially in the German area, question sometimes about the relationship, both positioning-wise and, potentially, technically, between extended event-driven process chain (eEPC), in German also known as erweiterte ereignisgesteuerte Prozesskette (eEPK, well-known from ARIS), and Value Delivery Modeling/Management (VDM) on the other hand.

In this case study, the effects of new IT systems are examined. Company models used are extended eEPC (eEPK), and the Value Delivery Modeling Language (VDML), as implemented by Strategyplanner of VDMbee.

eEPC was selected because it is used to optimize business processes and is also a well-known modeling language. Strategyplanner was chosen as another modeling technique because when implementing a new IT system, it must be clear how a company creates and exchanges value. Value models are helpful when analyzing a company in a complex environment, so that the implementation of the strategy and the design of complex value creation networks is supported. In addition, they determine what a company must do (i.e., activities) and needs (i.e., skills, resources) to create value for both itself and its customers. It is of crucial importance to model values therefore. This gives users an integrated view of the company’s business logic.

Study results

The study concludes that both modeling techniques provide results for non-beginner users in a short time. The supporting role in the decision-making process for executives has proven to be advantageous for Strategyplanner. So that it can plan and model different scenarios and alternatives based on a realistic environment and numerical values. Both modeling techniques have a high accessibility of necessary information. Ultimately, it can be expected that the use of both modeling techniques will be useful in practice and university. Both the eEPC and Strategyplanner present themselves as advantageous languages ​​for business processes at different levels. They can be regarded as complementary.

Note that this master thesis has been written in German.

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