Insurance Frameworks and VDMbee have agreed to deliver the Panorama 360 Insurance and Wealth Management reference models in VDMbee format, for purpose of productive use by VDMbee customers, using VDMbee Strategyplanner.

See below for an impression of Panorama 360, as imported in Strategyplanner. As you can see, Insurance Frameworks has done a great job in capturing Capability Map and Value Streams.

You can request Pierre Gagné of Insurance Frameworks for the Panorama 360 reference model in Strategyplanner format.

After importing the reference model, you can browse Panorama 360 Capabilities via the Strategyplanner Capability Library editor, with expandable tree control on the left, and related Capability details on the right.

Panorama 360 leverage VDMbee Strategyplanner

The following video explains how to work with the Panorama 360 content in Strategyplanner.

Capability library of Panorama 360

Capabilities from the Capability Library can be visualized on a Capability Map. You can create a Capability Map yourself, interactively. But the Panorama 360 reference model in Strategyplanner format will provide you a complete graphical Panorama 360 Capability Map out-of-the-box, starting with an overview of the Level-1 Capabilities.

Top level Panorama 360 Capability Map

For each Level-1 Capability, the Capability Map supports drill-down to an overview of its children at Level-2. For instance, when you drill-down for “5.0 Customer Care” you get to see its five children at Level-2.

Customer Care Capability Map (5.0)

And this drill-down works at all levels. For instance, when you drill-down further for “5.1 Identify Customer”, you get to see its children at Level-3.

Identify Customer Capability Map (5.1)

In addition, Panorama 360 specifies a covering set of Value Streams. A Value Stream consists of a series of Activities, together resulting in a Value Proposition that is delivered to an external or internal Customer. For instance, the Value Stream “Contract renewal” consists of twelve Activities, each applying a Level-2 Capability of the Capability Map.

Contract renewal Value Stream

Activity sequence in the Value Stream specifies in which order these Capabilities are applied, in order to deliver the Value conform the Value Proposition of the Value Stream.

Each Activity also cross-references one or more Level-3 Capabilities, as far as applicable for the application of that Level-2 Capability in the context of the Value Stream. These Capabilities are vertically listed under the Activity in the Value Stream Map.

Lookup of the details of Value Stream, contained Activity and cross-referenced Capability shapes, will provide you an overview of all related Panorama 360 details for these elements. Value Streams in Panorama 360 vary in length and complexity. “Cross Sell and Up Sell Products – Based on New Product Introduction” is an example of a shorter one.

Cross sell and up sell products Value Stream

Value Streams and related Capabilities are applied in Strategyplanner as re-usable building blocks. This give you a quick start for developing your structured Business Model transformation plans. You can focus on improving the Value creation and delivery in the Insurance ecosystems in which you want to participate. Using Panorama360 Value Streams as a basis for Business Model transformation plans is very effective. It will make it easy for you to “discover” what the various Participants in the ecosystem need to do. Proposing the right Value Streams to them. Given the Value Propositions that they need to deliver and exchange in the ecosystem.