Process Designer (BPMN2.0) design your high-level Business Processes

The Process Designer (BPMN2.0) is an implementation of the process designer. It’s not intended to develop executable Business Process models. For Process automation you have to export the BPMN2.0 Process model from Strategyplanner and import in your favorite BPMN platform and finalize the modelling. The website of, provides good insight in BPMN2.0 modelling, but many other sites are available to explain the BPMN2.0/Process Modelling subject.

What we added to the BPMN designer is the generation of Business Process flows from a Value Stream Map designed in Strategyplanner. It works as a kind of import into the Process Designer.

Why should I care about BPMN?

Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is the global standard for process modeling and one of the most important components of successful Business-IT-Alignment.

More and more organizations are using BPMN and in more and more universities BPMN is taught as a subject. These are the reasons:

  • Standard
    BPMN is not owned by a certain enterprise but by an institution (OMG®), which is already established through other world-wide standards, e.g., UML. The standard is supported by many software products; you are less dependent on any particular vendor’s products.
  • Simplicity
    The principle behind BPMN is rather simple which is why you can start working with this notation very quickly.
  • Power of expression
    If necessary, you can describe precisely how a process functions with BPMN. However, this is more difficult than only roughly describing the process. This way of precise modeling is possible, but not mandatory.
  • Implementation in IT
    BPMN has been primarily developed to support technical implementation of processes (“Process Automation”). The more important the IT is in a company, the more helpful the use of BPMN becomes.