Project Description
VDMbee is offering to Universities worldwide an attractive package to use and embed our Strategyplanner in their programs to teach the students about Value driven Business Enterprise Engineering.
Model based Business Planning: teach, learn and research novel approach
Delivered as an easy-to-use integrated Business Modeling App
First App supporting the Value Delivery Modeling Language (VDML) of OMG
Making Value Delivery concepts as the of core of Business Architecture
Teach effective: prototyping of Business, Innovation risk management, Decision making, etc.
New engagements with the Business to perform thesis (Master and PhD)
New research opportunities in VDML based Business Planning
VDMbee Strategyplanner for Universities

With VDMbee Strategyplanner you create a clear view on the development of the Business Cases that are the subject of your research.
It will support you making Strategy concrete, in such a way that it will align all stakeholders involved.
And you do that by following a structured and guided approach, following a Business Model oriented view.
It allows you to be effective in your analysis and proposals, as you can prototype Business Innovation or Transformation, analyze Alternatives and assess risks and impacts on Value Objectives before you share Plans.

Fit for purpose VDMbee training and workshops
Self training and online certification of use of the Tool (tutorial, Community edition VMP and online certification tool)
Information and scheduling
Contact us for more information or to request our consultancy services to embed VDML based Business Planning in your teaching programs.